Page 10 - Old Republic Title Exchange
P. 10


        DO THE MATH

        Taxes are paid on capital gain, not equity or profit. It is possible to sell property without realizing much profit and still owe
        substantial capital gains tax. Capital gain is simply the difference between the sales price and the adjusted basis (i.e., what
        you paid for the property, plus amounts spent on capital improvements, less depreciation taken), less any closing costs
        associated with the sale.

        To calculate your estimated capital gain: First, subtract the adjusted basis from the sales price. Next, subtract the customary
        closing costs of your transaction, such as commission, fees, transfer tax, etc. Finally, multiply the  capital gain by your
        combined tax rates (federal and state) to determine your estimated capital gain tax.

         1. Calculate Net-Adjusted Basis:                                                       Example:
              Original Purchase Price                                                            $400,000
              Plus Capital Improvements                                                          $25,000
              Minus Depreciation Taken            (                                )            ($175,000)
              Equals Adjusted Basis                                                              $250,000
         2. Calculate Capital Gain:

              Current Sales Price                                                                $600,000
              Minus Customary Closing Costs       (                                )             ($30,000)
              Minus Adjusted Basis                (                                )            ($250,000)
              Equals Capital Gain                                                                $320,000
         3. Calculate Capital Gain Tax:
              Gain Attributable to Depreciation                                                  $43,750
              [$175,000 x 25% = depreciation]
              Plus Federal Capital Gain Tax
              [$320,000 - $175,000 = $145,000 x 20%]                                             $29,000
              Plus State Capital Gain Tax                                                        $32,000
              [e.g. CA approx. 10% x $320,000 (cap. gain)]
              Plus 3.8% Surtax*                                                                   $12,160
              [3.8% x $320,000]
              Equals Combined Tax Due                                                            $116,910

         *If your modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) is equal to or less than the threshold amounts specified in IRC
         1411, you will not be subject to the 3.8% tax. If your MAGI is above the specified threshold amounts, you will pay 3.8%
         tax on either your investment income or the excess MAGI over the specified threshold, whichever amount is less.

                                   Filing Status                Threshold Amount

                                   Married filing jointly       $250,000
                                   Married filing separately    $125,000
                                   All other individual taxpayers  $200,000
                                   Trusts and Estates           $14,650 (for 2023)

         The formula set forth above is provided to help you determine your approximate gain and the sums that you may wish to
         defer through your exchange transaction. Consult with your tax advisor to determine the correct values and whether an
         exchange is appropriate for your circumstances. Old Republic Exchange does not provide tax or legal advice.

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